The publishing process is a challenge that writers face at least once in their lifetime.
The excitement and opportunity that lies within the ability to dream up ideas, write them down, and then form them into content that can be enjoyed by others is a very liberating endeavor. It can also be incredibly terrifying.
After listening to Matt Duggan words about the manuscript he put two years of blood, sweat and ink into, only to have it shot down by his editor, I felt frustrated. How can someone tell you, that your dreams aren't good enough? How can this one person, be it and editor and/or critic think that they encompass the mentality and beliefs of the general public?

This is why, as a writer, if I were in a position to publish my thoughts and dreams, not only would I avoid the traditional publishing process altogether, I would hold a party, fundraise to be able to put the manuscript into production, and give it away to anyone who wanted to read it.
I think if it were truly a gem of a creation, someone would then come up to me and say, "We'd really love to publish you."
I am having so much ideas about writing my own book and almost every day I see things and I say that I'll write that and then I see something else and I decide to write about this one now!And I'm writing a book right now that I really wish to be published when I finish it!But I have a concern about the editors now that I read this article...It's true but...when there is a rejection of your dreams and make them vanish in a moment while you were creating them for's so disappointing!I really want to publish it but if they don't want it to?Disappointing!