Monday, November 8, 2010

Nothing quite like... homecooked wine?

The time of year has come again where we will find ourselves spending more time indoors. Whether it is watching movies, cross-stitching, or becoming very good friends with your indoor workout equipment, more people do prefer to stay in. The temperature change causes some people who don't usually practice a certain hobby, to take up a new one. This year, for my 76-year-old Grandfather, his hobby has become wine-making.

In the past, he has made wine from cherries and pumpkins. This year he is taking a more traditional approach by using actual grapes. There is one problem when it comes to my Gigi's winemaking capabilities. The problem is that when they used to live back on the farm, it wasn't wine they made, rather the infamous "home brew" or "hooch". This was made out of potatoes and by a homemade distillery. Thus the strength of the product was quite potent. Subsequently, the result of his experience making homemade whiskey or brew has transferred over to the process of wine-making. He proudly stated to me last week when I asked about the process, "The more sugar you put, the more it ferments. So it gets stronger."

Anyone who is interested in wine-making should give it a try. However, the result and alcohol content will not be guaranteed and mastering the process will only come with attempting batch after batch.

Here are some sources to expand your knowledge of homemade wine:

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